Rear Window (1954)

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

I have a rather big problem with this movie, in that I really just did not find the plot convincing.  To me, the events Stewart's character observes did not spell out any real cause for alarm or any reason to suspect anything.  You really just cannot possibly know what is happening from such small glimpses into another person's life.  

So anyway, even though I didn't really buy the story here, there is so much to admire about this film.  The way it is shown entirely from the perspective of the one character's room, and how there is no music in the movie except what his neighbor (a composer) is playing on the piano. Very clever. And you have to admire the craft of the wonderfully constructed set that comprises the rear window view. It's a small world unto itself.

And of course there is the simple fact of, Jimmy Stewart

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